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AHN Provider
Temmy J Brotherson, MD
Primary Care - Family Medicine
star star star star star 4.7 (38)

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AGH Suburban (Primary)
100 S Jackson Ave, 1st Floor
Pittsburgh, PA 15202
Fax (412) 734-9420

Temmy Brotherson, MD

Temmy Brotherson, MD, is a family medicine physician with AHN Primary Care Institute, specializing in patient-centered care for preventive exams, ongoing conditions, illness, or injuries. She applies best-practice techniques to help ensure long-term patient outcomes. Dr. Brotherson has a special interest in Women’s health.

Dr. Brotherson went to medical school at Michigan State University in East Lansing, Michigan. She did her residency at Sparrow/MSU Family Medicine Residency Program in Lansing, Michigan.

Dr. Brotherson is affiliated with the American Medical Women’s Association and the American Academy of Family Physicians. She welcomes patients of all ages.


4.6star star star star star

Likelihood of recommending this care provider

4.7star star star star star

Concern shown for your questions or worries

4.7star star star star star

Explanations about your problem or condition

4.7star star star star star

Discussion of proposed treatments (options, risks, benefits, etc.)

4.7star star star star star

Efforts to include you in decisions about your care

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Recent Patient Comments

"On my recommendation, my wife goes to thus practice."

March 17, 2024



Michigan State Univ College of Osteopathic Med


American Board of Family Medicine


Sparrow Family Medicine Residency Program