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AHN Provider
Susan Wilkinson, MD
Primary Care - Internal Medicine
star star star star star 4.7 (46)

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5889 Forbes Ave, Suite 200
Pittsburgh, PA 15217
Fax (412) 618-3011

Susan Wilkinson, MD

Susan Wilkinson, MD, is a family medicine physician with AHN Primary Care Institute, skilled at providing patient-centered care for preventive exams, ongoing conditions, illness, or injuries. She applies best-practice techniques to help insure long-term patient outcomes.

Dr. Wilkinson went to medical school at University of Arizona College of Medicine in Tucson, Arizona. She did her residency at Verde Valley Medical Center in Cottonwood, Arizona.

She is certified by the American Board of Internal Medicine and is affiliated with the American College of Physicians. Dr. Wilkinson sees patients ages 18 and older.


4.7star star star star star

Likelihood of recommending this care provider

4.7star star star star star

Concern shown for your questions or worries

4.7star star star star star

Explanations about your problem or condition

4.6star star star star star

Discussion of proposed treatments (options, risks, benefits, etc.)

4.6star star star star star

Efforts to include you in decisions about your care

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Recent Patient Comments

"Susan was very attentive listening to my medical history & concerns, as this was my first exam with her."

April 02, 2024

"As much as I understood about my condition, everything is very helpful to me"

March 30, 2024

"Would recommend this care provider to my family."

February 22, 2024

"I would go to her"

December 19, 2023

"The doctor was wonderful. Knowledgeable and able to explain my problem and her diagnosis and her plan of action."

December 17, 2023



University of Arizona College of Medicine


Westchester Medical Center