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Stephanie Baltaji, MD
Pulmonary Disease
star star star star star 4.9 (60)
Expertise: Bronchoscopy, Chronic...See all...

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Allegheny General Hospital (Primary)
320 E North Ave, Suite 6200 South Tower
Pittsburgh, PA 15212
Fax (412) 442-7497
Jefferson Medical Arts Building
1200 Brooks Ln, Suite 180
Jefferson Hills, PA 15025
Fax (412) 469-3630
Forbes Hospital
2570 Haymaker Rd
Monroeville, PA 15146
Fax (412) 359-6653

Stephanie Baltaji, MD

Stephanie Baltaji, MD, is an interventional pulmonologist with AHN Medicine Institute. She specializes in lung cancer diagnosis, bronchoscopy, rigid bronchoscopy, pleural disease, and tracheal stenosis.

She went to medical school at University of Balamand Medical School in Koura, Lebanon. Dr Baltaji did her residency at Allegheny Health Network in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. She did her fellowship in interventional pulmonology at Virginia Commonwealth University Health System in Richmond, Virginia. Dr. Baltaji also completed a fellowship for pulmonary and critical care medicine at AHN, in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

Dr. Baltaji is certified by the American Boards of Pulmonary Disease, Internal Medicine, and Critical Care Medicine. She is affiliated with the American Association for Bronchology and Interventional Pulmonology. Dr. Baltaji speaks Arabic and French, and sees patients ages 18 and older.


Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease-COPD
Lung Biopsy
Lung Cancer
Lung Disease


4.9star star star star star

Likelihood of recommending this care provider

5.0star star star star star

Concern shown for your questions or worries

5.0star star star star star

Explanations about your problem or condition

4.9star star star star star

Discussion of proposed treatments (options, risks, benefits, etc.)

4.9star star star star star

Efforts to include you in decisions about your care

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Recent Patient Comments

"My PET scan results were posted late in the day on a [...]. Dr. Baltaji called me around [...] to discuss results. I really appreciated that I didn't have to wait til [...]"

March 31, 2024

"All were Good"

March 20, 2024



Allegheny General Hospital
Virginia Commonwealth University


University of Balamand


AB Internal Medicine
American Board of Int Med-Critical Care Medicine
American Board of Internal Med-Pulmonary Disease


Allegheny General Hospital