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AHN Provider
AHN Provider
Bruce S Ling, MD
Primary Care - Internal Medicine
star star star star star 4.9 (289)

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Heights Plaza
1719 Union Ave, Suite A
Natrona Heights, PA 15065
Fax (724) 226-2498


4.9star star star star star

Likelihood of recommending this care provider

4.9star star star star star

Concern shown for your questions or worries

4.9star star star star star

Explanations about your problem or condition

4.9star star star star star

Discussion of proposed treatments (options, risks, benefits, etc.)

4.9star star star star star

Efforts to include you in decisions about your care

Unlike websites where anyone can post doctor reviews, only actual patients can provide information by completing the survey sent to them. Learn more.

Recent Patient Comments

"Dr Ling is very good"

April 25, 2024

"It has been uncommon for me to speak to a doctor about my health concerns that listens to my perspectives about my health and allows for a joint determination of a viable direction to take in health regards. I have this with Dr. Ling and I am quite satisfied."

March 28, 2024

"My new physician Dr. Ling is EXCELLENT in comprehensive explanations of questions; I had [...] before Dr. Ling.....and she too showed same caring acumen; she left the area and thus I now met Dr. Ling; Dr. Ling has an incredible ability to ask the right questions...bringing a clarity to the issue...then he discusses answers or methods; I come out of my appts better informed and with a plan because of this man.... Dr. Ling is an absolute winner!"

March 25, 2024

"All good"

March 19, 2024

"This is the doctor we've been searching for after unsatisfactory care by our previous PCP."

March 14, 2024

"This provider always listens."

March 14, 2024

"Dr. Lling is like family because he acts interested and caring about patients."

March 13, 2024

"I was there for a physical. DR. Ling literally listened to my heart, lungs, and bowel sounds all real quick. Briefly felt my ankles and that's all he checked on me physically. I told him about my ear surgeries in the past and he never once looked in my ears to check if everything looks ok. I told him about my bilateral inguinal hernia surgery, he never felt my stomach. I felt like l was cheated out of a proper physical [...] Dr. Ling is friendly and respectful, he needs to do much more on the physical check. I'm never going back to see Dr. Ling if l can help it"

February 26, 2024

"This dr. was only concerned about what he thought. He told me I had to pick which issue to concentrate on, he won't do both. Had to choose between post surgery issues, or diabetes."

February 26, 2024

"Love Dr.. Ling!"

January 20, 2024



University of Michigan School of Medicine MD Verification


AB Internal Medicine


Loyola University Hospital